
What is eLearning?

Why am I talking about it?

A secondary purpose for this blog is to share reflections and insights about my professional world. As a young woman focusing on my career I think it is important to share my experiences, my challenges and my wins in hopes of inspiring others to live confidently.

ChickPLS…let’s get to work!

My team focuses on providing online learning to people who already have experience in the health industry. We focus on professional development to help people succeed in the roles they have and move into higher level positions.

I love what I do! It is so inspiring to know that we are making a difference in the health system by educating people and impacting care. We focus on Patient Safety, Change Leadership, Health Information, Food and Nutrition and Long-Term Care.

One of the major projects we started this year was marketing. We hired a marketing firm to come in every 2 weeks and teach us how to create a brand. Our first task was to conduct interviews with our stakeholders to understand if how we thought of ourselves was in line with how the public sees us. Luckily, we were all in agreement.

From there we created a brand positioning statement. This is made up of clear values that we hold, what our purpose is and who we are. This statement is the foundation of any material that is being released this year, or any content we are creating.

Because of these changes at work I thought it would be a great idea to learn more about it, and that is why I signed up for an online course through the University of Toronto to really sink my teeth into digital marketing. I’ve been actively involved in our marketing efforts in the past, but having the knowledge from my course and the insight from the marketing firm has given me the confidence to be a leader.